

  • blowout
  • :    smoke
  • :    pipe; tube
  • 扫除:    cleaning; cleanup
  • 扫除:    1.(清除) cleaning; cleanup 大扫除 general cleaning; thorough cleaning2.(消除) clear away; remove; wipe out 扫除恐怖心理 chase fear from the mind; 扫除文盲 eliminate illiteracy; wipe out illiteracy; 扫除障碍 remove the obstacles; 扫除一切害人虫 sweep away all pests; away with all pests; 扫除教条主义思想 the eradication of dogmatist thinking; 扫除船底 bream; 扫除器 sweeper
  • 烟管:    fire tube; flue header; flue tube; smoke pipe; smoke tube; smoke-tube


        :    smoke
        :    pipe; tube
        扫除:    cleaning; cleanup
        扫除:    1.(清除) cleaning; cleanup 大扫除 general cleaning; thorough cleaning2.(消除) clear away; remove; wipe out 扫除恐怖心理 chase fear from the mind; 扫除文盲 eliminate illiteracy; wipe out illiteracy; 扫除障碍 remove the obstacles; 扫除一切害人虫 sweep away all pests; away with all pests; 扫除教条主义思想 the eradication of dogmatist thinking; 扫除船底 bream; 扫除器 sweeper
        烟管:    fire tube; flue header; flue tube; smoke pipe; smoke tube; smoke-tube
        向管扫描:    vector scan
        大扫除:    general cleaning; thorough cleanup 家庭年底大扫除 the year-end domestic [household] cleaning; 他们首先给屋子来一个大扫除。 they first had a great house cleaning
        大烟管:    flue tube
        火管,烟管:    fire tube
        联烟管:    cross flame tube/inter-connector/cross fire tube/cross light tube
        内烟管:    internal flue
        排烟管:    fume exhaust tube; purge duct; smoke pipe
        喷烟管:    smoke nozzle
        扫除, 漠视:    brush aside
        扫除,收拾:    clear away
        扫除法:    method of balayage
        扫除机:    mechanical sweeper; sweeper
        扫除器:    cleaner
        扫除日:    cleaning day
        收拾,扫除:    clear away
        烟斗,烟管。:    tobacco pipe
        烟管, 火管:    fire tube
        烟管癌:    cancer clay-pipe
        烟管板:    flue tube sheet
        烟管道:    chimney


  1. "烟管火警系统"英文
  2. "烟管蓟"英文
  3. "烟管菌"英文
  4. "烟管理条例"英文
  5. "烟管螺科"英文
  6. "烟管式锅炉"英文
  7. "烟管式火警控测系统"英文
  8. "烟管式火警探测设备烟管式火灾报警装置"英文
  9. "烟管式火警信号系统"英文
  10. "烟管式火警装置"英文


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