- blowout
- 烟: smoke
- 管: pipe; tube
- 扫除: cleaning; cleanup
- 扫除: 1.(清除) cleaning; cleanup 大扫除 general cleaning; thorough cleaning2.(消除) clear away; remove; wipe out 扫除恐怖心理 chase fear from the mind; 扫除文盲 eliminate illiteracy; wipe out illiteracy; 扫除障碍 remove the obstacles; 扫除一切害人虫 sweep away all pests; away with all pests; 扫除教条主义思想 the eradication of dogmatist thinking; 扫除船底 bream; 扫除器 sweeper
- 烟管: fire tube; flue header; flue tube; smoke pipe; smoke tube; smoke-tube