烘: dry or warm by the fire乾: qian,one of the Eight Diagra ...透气: ventilate度: surmise; estimate烘乾透气性: baked permeability透气度: air permeability; degree of aeration; degreeofaeration; gas permeability透气度,透气性能: gas permeabitity; gaspermeabitity横向透气度: lateral porosity烘干透气度: baked permeability原砂透气度: base permeability透气度测定仪: air permeability tester; densometer; gurleyporositytestergurley; potts tester透气度试验仪: air-permeability apparatusgurley透气度测定仪: gurley porosity tester纸张透气度测定计: paper densometer纸张透气度测定仪: air permeability tester for paper乾透: parch多孔陶瓷透气度试验方法: test method for air permeability of porousceramics耐火制品透气度试验方法: test method for permeability of refractory products炭素材料透气度试验方法: test method for the permeability of carbon materials土壤透水透气度测定仪: soil permeability meter烘乾: adustion; bakeout; baking; o drying; oven-dried; parch气度: tolerance; bearing 气度不凡 in a laudable tolerant spirit致密定形耐火制品透气度试验方法: dense shaped refractory products-determination of permeability to gases乾透坯: bone-dry body使乾透: parch