点: drop解: understand; see角点解: corner solution逐点解: point-by-point solution驻点解: stagnation point solution点解会打: c eight点解决方案: point solutions奇点解消: resolution of singularities相邻角点解: adjacent cornerpoint solutionn重点解析: grammar points浮点解释程序: floating-point interpretive program浮点解释语言: floating interpretive language神话观点解释: euhemerize下一个网络节点解析协议: next horesolution protocol nhrp页面中标题单点解决方案: aspx多目标最优潮流问题的模糊建模及内点解法: fuzzy modeling and interior point algorithm of multi-objective opf problem点结型晶体管: point junction transistor; point-junction transistor点结合型晶体管: point junction transistor点金: gold pointing点结合: point-junction点金成铁: touch gold and turn it into iron -- miscorrect a piece of writing (比喻把别人的好文章改坏了)点结构: dot structure点金理财: gofortune点节线: knop yarn