Point diffraction interferometer - a physical idea , is invented by smartt and strong in 1972 , advanced by smartt and steel , and used to test astronomical telescope , it has simple structure and has not special demand to source . recently . with the development of fiber ' s manufacture and coupling technology . the simple modern fiber ' s center is smaller than before , this make it possible to progress fiber point diffraction interferometer ( pdi ) , in addition to test convergent wavefront , it can test the reflective concave . the excellence of pdi is that it does not need standard mirror . in intereference testing , the standard mirror is the main reason which limit the improvement of precision , pdi can avoid difficulty to provide the wide future for high precision testing . pdi , which produce the standard sphere wavefront , is an instrument which realize the phase shifting with piezoelectric transducer ( pzt ) , and collect the interferogram with ccd , in this paper , a adjusting methord is described , then data processing is obtained 点衍射干涉仪这一物理思想,早在1972年smartt和strong就已发明,由smartt和steel做了进一步发展,并成功的用于检测天文望远镜,它结构简单,对光源没有特殊要求,近年来,由于光纤制造工艺以及耦合技术的发展,单模光纤纤芯不断缩小,为光纤点衍射干涉仪得以发展提供了前提条件,该干涉仪由激光照明,除了检测会聚波前外,还可以用来检测反射凹球面,进而应用到单个面形的检测;另外,光纤点衍射干涉仪最大的优点是不需要标准镜,在干涉检测中,标准镜是检测精度受限的很大原因,光纤点衍射干涉仪能绕开这一难度,为进行高精度的光学检测提供了广阔的前景。