

发音:   用"点密封"造句
  • dot encapsulation


  1. Rreduced wiring time ip67 iec60529 leakproof seal water contact sealed envelope can be drainage
    Ip67 iec60529防漏水密封触点密封,外壳可排水


        :    drop
        密封:    seal; seal up; seal airtight ...
        点密度:    dot density; point detector
        室点密:    istmi
        测点密度:    site density
        点密度法:    dot density method
        辐射点密度:    radiant density
        浮点密集:    floating-point intensive; intensive floatingpointt; intensive, floating-point
        光点密度计:    spot densitometer
        交点密度:    crosslink density
        节点密钥:    node key
        水深点密度:    density of soundings
        网点密度:    dot area
        无逗点密码:    comma free code; comma-free code; comma-free-code; commaless code
        密封:    seal; seal up; seal airtight; seal hermetically; encapsulation lutation; hermetic sealing; sealing; sealing off; enclosing 密封的罐头 sealed tin; 密封的容器 hermetically sealed chamber; 密封的文件 sealed documents; 把气体密封在容器里 seal up the gas hermetically within the vessel; 密封房间以熏蒸消毒 seal up rooms for fumigation; 密封裁决书 privy [sealed] verdict; 密封材料 encapsulant; packing material; seal material; sealing material; air locking; 密封舱 [航空] sealed cabin; airtight cabin; 密封层 sealant; 密封衬垫 liner; 密封窗hermetic window; seal window;密封垫sealing gasket; gasket; static seal; grommet; seal packing; 密封垫片 gasket seal; 密封垫圈 joint washer; seal washer; sealing washer; sheet gasket; 密封剂sealant; encapsulant; aquaseal; jointing compound; sealing compound;密封件sealing element;seal element;sealing member;密封胶fluid sealant; sealant; gasket cement; seal gum; sealing gum; 密封压盖 seal gland; 密封罩 sealed cowling; 密封装置 sealed-in unit; sealing arrangement; sealing device; seal; 密封座舱 sealed cabin
        斑点密螺旋体感染:    infection by treponema carateum
        密封,密封件:    abdichtung
        密封盖, 密封帽:    sealed cap
        密封圈;密封环:    sealing ring
        密封胶;密封剂;密封层:    sealant
        半密封:    semitight
        不密封:    blow-by
        倒密封:    back seal
        垫密封:    seal with packing
        动密封:    dynamic seal; kinematical seal


  1. "点霉素"英文
  2. "点每寸"英文
  3. "点每英寸"英文
  4. "点密度"英文
  5. "点密度法"英文
  6. "点面包类"英文
  7. "点面法"英文
  8. "点面副沙鳅"英文
  9. "点面关系"英文
  10. "点面关系曲线"英文


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