灯光: the light of a lamp; lamplig ...进入: get into; enter; entry; ente ...视界: field of view; field of visi ...陆地进入视界: raise the land进入视: come into sight进入视野: come into sight; come into view进入视域内: come in view of视界: field of view; field of vision; visual field; range of vision; sight; scope◇视界角 aspect angle阿光进: e guangjin光进堂: kwang jin dang co., ltd张光进: guang-jin zhang灯光: 1.(灯的光度) the light of a lamp; lamplight 使灯光变暗[亮] make the light dim [bright]; 在微弱的灯光下看书 read in a poor light2.(舞台或摄影棚的照明设备) (stage) lighting 灯光渐暗 lights slowly dim; lights fade to dark; 舞台灯光 stage lights; lighting; 灯光暗淡 dimout; 灯光搬运车 light van; 灯光表演 a light show; 灯光捕鱼 torch fishing; 灯光导航 light navigation; 灯光管制 dimout; blackout; 灯光呼叫 lamp call; 灯光技师 juicer; 灯光节奏 [航海学] rhythm of light; 灯光球场 floodlit [illuminated] court, field, etc.; 灯光围网作业 light seining; 灯光伪装 blackout; 灯光显示牌 lamp display panel; 灯光相纸 gaslight paper; 灯光效果 light effect; 灯光信号装置 light signalling device; 灯光艺术 luminal art; 灯光音响浮标 [航海学] lighted sound buoy; 灯光诱杀 light trap; 灯光指示器 beam indicator带入视讯: take to video接入视图: access view输入视图: imported view进入: get into; enter; entry; entering; entrance; incoming; dipping; ingress; intro- 进入决赛阶段 enter the finals; 进入角色 enter into the spirit of a character; live one's part; 进入战斗 go into action; 进入阵地 get into position; 进入新阶段 enter upon a new phase; 她已进入了更年期。 she has entered upon the change of life. 10月1日 他进入了首相任期的第二个年头。 he entered on his second year of office as premier on oct. 1. 部队已进入战备状态。 the troops have entered into combat readiness光进建设公司: kwang jin construction co., ltd大视界: high coverage电视界: television circle球视界: spherical coverage全视界: all round coverage视界角: angle of visiblity; aspect angle; field of view angle; field-of-view angle; look-out angle视界图: line-of-sight coverage diagram; visibility chart视界外: out of sight视界线: event horizon