So l cooked a turkey , in case people want to eat 所以我就准备了火鸡大餐,以防有人需要吃这个
Go with the turkey . things can still be all right 还是制作火鸡大餐吧那样的话,就没什么麻烦了
Where l will be preparing my usual thanksgiving feast 我会在家中准备我往日的那个感恩节火鸡大餐
Just so long as l get my favorite piece of the turkey 不管是谁,那么久了,总算可以再次尝到我喜爱的火鸡大餐了
Thanksgiving is now celebrated with parades , family gatherings and charity dinners for the homeless and the needy 感恩节期间,家庭团聚,朋友聚会,品尝传统的火鸡大餐,感谢他们得到的祝福,铭记那些不幸的人们。
火鸡: turkey大: big; large餐: eat母火鸡大腿: tom / hen wings大餐: a dinner; feast火鸡: (吐绶鸡) turkey◇火鸡鸣 turkey call鸡大腿: fresh grade legs(thigh)吃大餐: gourmet meals大餐,酒席: spread大餐厅。: dining hall酷鸡大逃亡: chicken run去皮鸡大胸: sbb小鸡大电影: chicken little小鸡大逃亡: chicken run野鸡大学: diploma mill大餐厅,客厅: saloon大餐厅,食堂: dining hall感恩节大餐: the thanksgiving feast极乐大餐: blowout; grande bouffe, la; la grande abbuffata; la grande bouffe; the grande bouffe圣诞大餐: christmas dinner一顿大餐: a tremendous meal母火鸡,雌火鸡: hen turkey冻肉用鸡大腿: frozen broiler thigh野鸡大学列表: list of unaccredited institutions of higher learning盛大的宴会;大餐: banquet