

  • powder time fuse
  • 火药:    gunpowder
  • 趸船:    wharfboat; pontoon; warehous ...
  • 趸船:    wharfboat; pontoon; warehouse boat; boat warehouse
  • 火药:    gunpowder; powder 慢燃火药 a slow-burning gunpowder; 无烟火药 smokeless gunpowder; 使火药爆炸 explode [blow up] gunpowder; 中国首先发明火药。 早在唐代, 中国就发明了火药。 到宋代已被大量运用到军事上。 元、明之际, 还利用喷气原理制造了“火箭”。 火药从13世纪起传到国外。 gunpowder was invented in china. gunpowder, invented as early as in the tang dynasty (618-707 a.d.), was use militarily on a large scale in the song dynasty (960-1279 a.d.). in the period between the yuan dynasty (1271-1368 a.d.) and the ming dynasty (1368-1644 a.d.), “rockets” were invented with the use of the fundamentals of jet. gunpowder was introduced to other countries in the 13th century.; 火药袋 cartridge bag; 火药库 powder magazine; 火药室 powder chamber; 火药桶 powder barrel; powder keg
  • 驳船;趸船:    barge


        火药:    gunpowder
        趸船:    wharfboat; pontoon; warehous ...
        趸船:    wharfboat; pontoon; warehouse boat; boat warehouse
        火药:    gunpowder; powder 慢燃火药 a slow-burning gunpowder; 无烟火药 smokeless gunpowder; 使火药爆炸 explode [blow up] gunpowder; 中国首先发明火药。 早在唐代, 中国就发明了火药。 到宋代已被大量运用到军事上。 元、明之际, 还利用喷气原理制造了“火箭”。 火药从13世纪起传到国外。 gunpowder was invented in china. gunpowder, invented as early as in the tang dynasty (618-707 a.d.), was use militarily on a large scale in the song dynasty (960-1279 a.d.). in the period between the yuan dynasty (1271-1368 a.d.) and the ming dynasty (1368-1644 a.d.), “rockets” were invented with the use of the fundamentals of jet. gunpowder was introduced to other countries in the 13th century.; 火药袋 cartridge bag; 火药库 powder magazine; 火药室 powder chamber; 火药桶 powder barrel; powder keg
        驳船;趸船:    barge
        趸船,栈桥。:    landing stage
        趸船;驳船:    lighter
        趸船的:    pontoon
        火药、黑色火药:    black powder
        报关趸船:    entry craft
        方驳趸船:    scow pontoon
        辅趸船码头:    floating pier pontoon wharf
        工作趸船:    work barge
        换拖趸船:    stakeboat
        开底趸船:    hopper barge
        码头趸船:    captive barge; captive breasting barge; landing pontoon; pierhead pontoon
        内河趸船:    river barge
        拼装式趸船:    sectional pontoon
        双泊位趸船:    double-berth pontoon
        水泥趸船:    concrete barge; rc pontoon
        系泊趸船:    mooring hulk; mooring pontoon
        运输趸船:    transporting pontoon
        自顶升趸船:    self-elevating platform; sep
        钻孔趸船:    drill barge
        趸船驳运站:    marine barging point


  1. "火药柱"英文
  2. "火药柱喷口端"英文
  3. "火药助推器"英文
  4. "火药装药"英文
  5. "火药灼伤"英文
  6. "火野"英文
  7. "火野口"英文
  8. "火野丽"英文
  9. "火野玲"英文
  10. "火野猪"英文


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