火: fire系: system; series大法: fundamental law; constitutio ...师: teacher; master大法师: arch mage; archmage arch_magi; lord wizard; lordwizard; the exorcist大法师传奇: merlin the return大法师前传: dominion: prequel to the exorcist大法师续集: exorcist the beginning大法师杖: staff of the magi大法师之塔: towers of high sorcery大法师之杖: mage satff; masterstaff高阶大法师: great mage命运大法师: the wizard of fortune摩登大法师: chrono crusade神鬼大法师: possessed阴间大法师: beetle juice; beetlejuice真假大法师: aventures de rabbi jacob, les兵种技能,大法师: archmage维多肯大法师: vedalken archmage大法师:公开完整版: the exorcist同大法师瓦古斯: archmage vargoth肯瑞托的大法师卡德加: archmage khadgar of the kirin tor大法: 1.(国家的根本法; 宪法) fundamental law; constitution of a nation; charter2.(姓氏) a surname 大法乐霖 dafa lelin大法师可以改变使用如下形状的区域: area稻草人 灵感来自于电影大法师: scarecrow