常规火电厂: conventional thermal power plant民用火电厂: utility steam power plant室内火电厂: indoor thermal power plant北仑港火电厂: beilungang thermal power plant热力机 (a heat engine plant 火电厂)。: heat engine火电厂大气污染排放标准: emission standard of air pollutants for fossil power plants火电厂大气污染物排放标准: emission standard of air pollutants for thermal power plants火电厂节水与废污水回用研究: research on the water saving and waste water reuse in coal - fired power plant火电厂热控系统参数优化的: matlab火电厂水务管理与节水途径: water management and water - saving approach in thermal power plant火电厂烟气脱硝技术发展趋势: present and trend of flue gas de-nox technology in coal-fired power plant我国火电厂废水排放与利用: waste water discharge and its application in coal-fired power plants in china我国火电厂烟气脱硫现状及展望: curvent status and prospect of fossil power plant's fgd in china重视火电厂燃用煤种和煤质的确定: paying attention to determination of type and quality of coal in coal-fired power plant电厂: [机械工程] electric power plant; electricity generating station; generating station; power plant; generating plant◇电厂供水 power station water supply; 电厂化学分析 power plant chemical analysis; 电厂检测 power station testing; 电厂检测装置 power station testing equipment; 电厂调节控制 power station regulation control; 电厂装机容量 power plant unit capacity; 电厂总布置 power station general layout火电站: thermal power station发火电流点火电流: firing current大电厂: high-power station电厂泵: power station pump发电厂: power plant; power station; generating plant 地热发电厂 geothermal power plant; 火力发电厂 thermal power plant; 水力发电厂 hydraulic power plant; 原子能发电厂 atomic power plant 核电厂: nuclear electrical power plant; nuclear power plant co. ltd; nuclear power plant co., ltd; nuclearpowerplant热电厂: cogeneration plant; cogeneration power plant; heat and power plant; heat power plant; heating and power plant; power-and-heating plant; steam station; steam supply and power generation plant; thermal plant; thermal power company; thermal power plant; thermoelectric plant; thermoelectric power plant水电厂: hydraulic power plant; hydro electric plant; hydroelectricplant; hydroplant淬火电炉: electric hardening furnace火点测定器: flashing point tester火点: fire point