火山: volcano; burning mountain的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...喷发: spurt; gush; exhalation; eff ...是: Semantics自然: nature; natural world火山的喷烟口: chimney他娶了她,这是自然的事: he married her, as / which was natural他又结婚了,这是自然的事: he married again, as seemed natural这种感触似乎是自然的: this feeling seems to be natural活火山爆发是一种可怕的自然现象: the active colane eruption is a horrible natural phenomenon火山的: vesuvian; volcanic; vulcanian; vulcanic解决的办法是应是自然的和不费力的: when a child or an untaught adult attempts his first scale what does he do自然的: automatic; b.spontaneously; elemental; free; genuine; instinctive; kindly; native; naturalistic; outgiving; physical; standard; unaffected; unartificial; unforced; unmannered; unselfconscious; wild天然的,自然的: naturalis自然的,天然的: natural次火山的: subvolcanic非火山的: avolcanic古火山的: paleovolcanic火山的;猛烈的: volcanic火山的副丘: monticule火山的复活: reawaking (of a volcano)假火山的: pseudo-volcanic潜火山的: cryptovolcanic; subvolcanic跳火山的人: joe versus the volcano同火山的: covolcanic