Effect of different infusion volume on hemodynamics of portal hypertension canines after hemorrhagic shock 不同静脉灌注量对门静脉高压失血性休克犬血流动力学的影响
Influence of yugong capsule on uterus blood perfusion in rats with uterus hypogenesis caused by kidney - yang deficiency 毓宫胶囊对肾阳虚子宫发育不良大鼠子宫血液灌注量的影响
The control precision of perfusion measure affects directly encapsulation quality , so the paper analyzes factors , which affect precision of perfusion measure , and also design a control scheme 灌注量的控制精度直接影响了太阳能电池板的灌封质量,故本文分析了影响灌注精度的多种因素,并设计一种定量控制方案。
Sticking sluggish blood disease high is the pathology that is main show with haemal viscosity heighten is asked for integratedly , blood stream obstruction is increased , flow is decelerated , affect to small artery and blood capillary and small loop especially apparent , cause quantity of constituent blood perfusion to decrease , generation is short of blood anoxic symptom 高粘滞血症是以血液粘度增高为主要表现的病理综合征,血流阻力加大,流动减慢,尤其对小动脉和毛细血管及微循环影响明显,致使组织血液灌注量减少,产生缺血缺氧的症状。
Gin is the abbreviation for grouting intensity number . it is showed by the product of the final grouting pressure p ( unit : mpa ) on the grouting section and the grouting volume v ( unit : l / m ) on every one meter of the grouting section , which means the energy consumed on every one meter of grouting section . according to gin method , if during the grouting construction , same energy is consumed on every grouting section , i . e . gin keeps to be a constant , an approximately uniform impervious curtain can be obtained Gin ( groutingintensitynumber )即灌浆强度值,它用灌浆孔段上最终的灌浆压力p ( mpa )和单位灌浆段长度浆液灌注量v ( l / m )的乘积表示,其含义为单位灌浆段上消耗的能量, gin法灌浆认为在灌浆施工中,保持各灌浆孔段上消耗一致的能量,即保持gin为常数,便可形成一道大致均匀的防渗帷幕。