激起: arouse; evoke; set fire to; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...激起的愤恨: arouse the resentment of可激起的: exciting向上激起的: up flaming激起: arouse; evoke; set fire to; set ... on fire; stir up 激起公愤 arouse public indignation; 激起某人的愤怒 stir sb.'s wrath; 激起某人积极性 arouse sb.'s enthusiasm; 激起强烈反抗 evoke strong opposition; 激起一场风波 cause a commotion公共汽车票价突然猛增激起的公愤: general indignation at the sudden steerise in bus fares出发,激起: set off激起;引起: set off引起, 激起: trigger off引起,激起: arouse; work up扳机;触发激起: trigger出发,起程;激起,引起: set off出发,起程;引起,激起: set off出发,启程;引起,激起: set off出发;激起,引起: set off刺激起晶: shock seeding激起…的兴趣: fascinate captivate激起对……的爱: inspire a love for激起公愤: arouse public indignation激起价格战: spark a price war激起民愤: rouse people's great wrath激起情感: stir the blood激起情欲的: voluptuous激起热情: impassion