Screening for anti - androgenic activities of acrylonitrile in viro 丙烯腈抗雄激素作用的体内筛检实验研究
The body changes food into glucose for energy with the help of insulin , a hormone 在一种名为胰岛素的激素作用下,身体将食物转化成葡萄糖供能。
“ there are two things that estrogens do , good and bad , but in different diseases , ” risbridger told reuters “激素作用有两面性,好的一面和坏的一面,但这体现在不同的疾病中。 ” risbridger告诉路透社记者。
One key target of thyroid hormones and glucocorticoids is hippocampus , the part of the brain involved in learning , memory and endocrinology 海马结构与学习、记忆和内分泌关系密切,是甲状腺激素和糖皮质激素作用的脑内最重要的靶组织之一。
Physiological functions of insulin ; regulation of adenohypophysis hormones secretion ; mechanisms of hormone action ; regulation of thyroid hormones secretion 胰岛素的主要生理作用;腺垂体激素分泌的调节;激素作用的机制;甲状腺激素及糖皮质激素分泌的调节。
激素: hormone作用: act on; affect激素作用原理,激素作用机制: mechanism of hormone激素作用蛋白: hormone-effect protein激素作用物质: hormone-effect substance保幼激素作用机制: mechanism of juvenile hormone analog激素作用的原理: mechanisms of hormone action激素作用于靶组织: hormonal action on target tissue抗雌激素作用药: antioestrogens性类固醇激素作用: sex steroid hormone action对靶组织激素作用减少: decreased hormonal action on target tissue对靶组织激素作用缺失: absence of hormonal action on target tissue对目标组织激素作用增加: increased hormonal action on target tissue对目标组织正常激素作用: normal hormonal action on target tissue激素作用的一般特性: general characteristics of hormone action抗保幼激素作用机制: mechanism of anti-juvenil hormone高水平雌激素作用与年龄和病史符合: high level estrogen effect compatible with age and history调理素作用: opsonic action; opsonification; opsonization酵素作用的: zymosthenic抗病素作用: antivirus action抗溶素作用: antilysis脱木素作用: delignification脱色素作用: depigmentation解除色素作用: pigmentolysis抗溶素作用的: antilytic