The second chapter deals with optical properties of organic laser dyes embedded in anodic alumina 第二章论述了多孔铝镶嵌有机激光染料的光学性质。
Emissions from microcavitys made with organic materials with broad and sharp optical spectra were compared respectively , apparent microcavity effects appeared 发现了几种有机小分子蓝光激光染料,进行了溶液和薄膜状态下的受激发射表征。
In recent years many organic dyes such as fluorescence dyes , laser dyes , nonlinear optical dyes and phototropic dyes were inducted into the inorganic matrix or ormosils 各种荧光染料、激光染料、 nlo染料及光致变色染料等相继被引入到无机基质或有机改性硅酸盐中。
In this dissertation , organic laser dyes and cu were implanted in the pores of anodic alumina respectively . the optical properties of the embedded films were studied 本文利用多孔铝的纳米多孔列阵结构,将有机激光染料和金属cu分别镶嵌到多孔铝的孔中,研究了其光学性质。
The low - temperature sol - gel process allows the incorporation of organic dyes into silica gel inorganic glasses , resulting in relatively photostable materials with acceptable laser efficiencies 为了提高固态激光染料的力学性能、热性能及光学性能,研究人员对各种制备方法进行了广泛的研究。