

  • diffuse blur circle
  • 漫射:    diffusion
  • 模糊:    dim; vague; indistinct; obsc ...
  • :    circle; ring
  • 模糊圈:    blur circle; circle of confusion; circle of diffusion; confusion circle
  • 摄影模糊圈:    circle of confusion


        漫射:    diffusion
        模糊:    dim; vague; indistinct; obsc ...
        :    circle; ring
        模糊圈:    blur circle; circle of confusion; circle of diffusion; confusion circle
        摄影模糊圈:    circle of confusion
        象差模糊圈:    aberration blur circle
        最小模糊圈,亦称:    circle of least confusion
        放射模糊:    radial blur
        辐射模糊:    redia blur
        最少模糊圈,明晰圈:    circle of least confusion
        反射模糊关系:    reflexive fuzzy relation
        继发辐射模糊:    secondary radiation fog
        射模:    injection mold
        漫射:    [物理学] diffusion◇漫射带 zone of diffuse scattering; 漫射光 diffused light; 漫射角 scattering angle; 漫射面 matte surface; 漫射屏 [摄影学] diffusing screen; 漫射体[照明器] diffuser; 漫射照明 [光学] diffuse illumination; stray lighting; 漫射照明全息图 diffused illumination hologram; 漫射罩 diffused reflector; 漫射遮光屏 diffusing screen; 漫射指示量 indicatrix of diffusion
        模糊:    1.(不清楚) dim; vague; indistinct; obscure; fuzzy; blurred 模糊的景象 a hazy scene; obscure view; 模糊的印象 vague impression; 童年时代的模糊记忆 dim memories of one's childhood; 认识模糊 have but a hazy understanding; 声音模糊 have an obscure sound; 雾使景色模糊。 mists blurred the views. 她泪眼模糊。 her eyes blurred with tears.2.(混淆) blur; obscure; confuse; mix up 模糊二者的界限 confuse the distinction between the two; 我对这意义还很模糊。 the meaning is still obscure to me.3.[数学] fuzzy; 模糊代数 fuzzy algebra; 模糊度fuzziness;fuzzy degree;模糊数学 fuzzy mathematics; 模糊图象 blurred picture; blurred image; hazy image; angel (雷达屏上的); 模糊信息 fuzzy information; fuzzy message; 模糊性 fuzziness
        辐射模:    radiation mode
        内射模:    injective module
        投射模:    projective module
        注射模:    injection mould
        复漫射:    double-diffuse
        光漫射:    light diffusion
        扩射;漫射:    diffuse
        漫射;扩散:    diffusion
        漫射波:    diffuse wave
        漫射场:    diffuse field; diffuse scattering field


  1. "漫射滤光器"英文
  2. "漫射媒介"英文
  3. "漫射媒质"英文
  4. "漫射密度"英文
  5. "漫射面"英文
  6. "漫射能源"英文
  7. "漫射盘"英文
  8. "漫射片"英文
  9. "漫射屏"英文
  10. "漫射谱带"英文


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