- venue
- 演出: perform; show; put on a show
- 地点: place; site; locale
- 输出地点: export point
- 演出: perform; show; put on a show 登台演出 appear on the stage; 告别演出 farewell performance; 首次演出 first performance; first show; 歌舞曲艺混合演出 variety show; 在巡回演出中 on a tour of performances
- 地点: place; site; locale 故事发生的地点 the locale of a story; 开会地点 place for a meeting; venue; 适合办商业网点的地点 suitable location for a shop; 这个拐角将是设立一个加油站的好地点。 this corner would make a good location for a gas station.; 地点税 local tax; 地点套汇 arbitrage in space