The influence of separating magnetic flux method of rotor with u ' s and tangential permanent magnet to the pole - to - pole leakage factor is analyzed by finite element method ( fem ) , and given the rule of design 通过对pmsm进行电磁场求解,分析了u型结构和切向结构转子磁路结构的隔磁措施对电机极间漏磁系数的影响,提出了设计准则。
Considering the effects of saturation , pole shape , some important coefficients including the effective pole - arc coefficient , the leakage coefficient , the air - gap coefficient are analyzed by electromagnetic method , and a series of useful curves are given 考虑磁路饱和、磁极形状等因素的影响,利用电磁场数值解法对电磁计算中的有关系数,包括漏磁系数、计算极弧系数、气隙系数等进行了分析研究,给出了工程实用的曲线。
And the subroutine is developed to add the periodic condition in the commercial 3d fem software . 3d electromagnetic field analysis is done to analyze the magnetic flux distribution in the tfpm . base on the field analysis , the mathematical model is given 采用简化的三维电磁场计算方法对横向磁通永磁电机内部磁通分布进行了研究,计算了各部分的磁通密度分布和漏磁通的走向,得到了电机的空载漏磁系数及空载反电动势以及主要的漏磁通分量。
2 . although calculating magnetic - flux leak coefficient and magnetic - reluctance coefficient is too complex to be done , combining magnetic force pump alnico ' s characters , appropriate accounting models are selected to calculate these coefficients through magnet conductivity methodology , the equation has been induced 虽然漏磁系数和磁阻系数的计算非常复杂,利用磁导法,结合磁力泵磁钢排布特点,选择适合磁力联轴器特点的计算模型,给出了漏磁系数的计算公式。
The researcher could use the ansys software to design and analyze the motors who did n ' t know the ansys software very well by the special purpose software packets . the influence of a centralization winding brushless dc motor structural design parameter and magnetic field were analyzed , and a way to achieve the fix position angular force was brought out 利用上述软件研讨无刷直流电机的定位转矩的求取方法;分析集中式绕组的无刷直流电机各结构设计参数对磁场的影响,尝试求取、分析空载漏磁系数,讨论如何削弱定位转矩。