- port of binhai
- 滨海: border on the sea; by the se ...
- 港: harbour; port
- 海港: seaport; dock; harbour◇海港航图 [航海学] harbour chart; 海港设备 harbour accommodation [installations]
- 滨海: border on the sea; by the sea; coast◇滨海沉积 coast deposit; 滨海带 [地] littoral zone; 滨海地 oceanfront (城镇等); 滨海地区 coastal region; seaside (陆地); 滨海湖 loch; 滨海 (滋育)湖 eutrophic lake; 滨海流 alongshore current; littoral current; [海洋学] longshore current; 滨海陆地 shore; 滨海平原 littoral plain; 滨海区 sea-front; 滨海相 littoral facy; 滨海盐土 seashore solonchak; 滨海沼泽 coastal marsh; seamarsh
- 保海港: society for protection of the harbour