' prepare chains , because the land is full of bloodshed and the city is full of violence 23 [和合] “要制造锁链,因为这地遍满流22血的罪,城邑充满强暴的事。
Internal combustion engines ; methods of test for full - flow lubricating oil filters ; static burst pressure test ; identical with iso 4548 - 6 : 19855 内燃机.满流式机油滤清器的试验方法.静态爆破压力试
Measurement of fluid flow by means of orifice plates , nozzles and venturi tubes inserted in circular cross - section conduits running full 通过在圆形截面导管满流时插入的节流孔板管咀和文氏管测量流体流量
Full - flow lubricating oil filters for internal combustion engines - methods of test for resistance to high differential pressure and to elevated temperature 内燃机满流式润滑油过滤器.第3部分:耐高压差和耐高温性能试验方法
Based on an analysis of the mechanism of flow pattern alternation , approximate criterion for flow pattern alternation was formulated , and a numerical model was worked out for simulation of free overfall and submerged overfall alternation by combination of the above two models 分析两种不同水流形态的交替机理,建立两种水流的转换条件,联立两种不同形态的数学模型构成保水堰的堰流和满流交替的非恒定流数学模型。