满月: full moon a baby's completio ...蛤: clam总: assemble; gather; put togeth ...科: a branch of academic or voca ...满月蛤: lucina edentula; lucinoid古满月蛤属: palaeolucina厚满月蛤: lucina pectinata近似满月蛤: approximate lucina满月蛤齿型: lucinodont满月蛤科: lucinidae满月蛤属: lucina满月蛤牙系: lucinoid dentition凸满月蛤: lucina tumida菲律宾满月蛤: lucina philippiana满月: 1.[天文学] (望月) full moon2.(小孩满月) a baby's completion of its first month of life 满月亮度 full moon brightness; 满月时刻 full moon; 满月时期 plenilune; 满月照明 full-moon illumination总科: superfamily满月,望月。: full moon满月草: moonwart bulb满月节: wezak满月脸: full moon face; moon shaped face; moon-shaped face满月台: manwoldae满月湾: full moon bay望;满月: full moon朱满月: empress zhu manyue弓如满月: one's bow arches like a full moon