溜: swift current; turbulent flo ...出: used as a complement敌军: enemy troops; the enemy army ...阵地: position; front; battle fiel ...敌军阵地: enemy position; hostile position袭击敌军阵地: make a surprise attack on the enemy positions用望远镜了望敌军阵地: look at the enemy's position through field glasses突袭敌军阵线: make an assault on the enemy lines把敌军驱逐出阵地: dislodge the enemy troops from their positions军阵: gunjin溜出: sneak out敌军: enemy troops; the enemy; hostile forces阵地: position; front; battle field; possy 前沿阵地 a forward position; 思想阵地 ideological front; 进入阵地 get into position; 人在阵地在 fight to the death in defence of one's position; hold one's position at all costs; 阵地防御 positional defence; 阵地伏击 positional attack; 阵地构筑 preparation of position; 阵地进攻 [体育] positional attack; 阵地战 positional warfare出敌不意: catch the enemy unaware突出敌围: charge out of the enemy粗粉溜出槽: tailing chute; tailingchute焦油溜出物: tar distillate溜出表示器: shove indicator溜出房间: slip out of the room溜出指令: escape instruction偷偷溜出: creep out悄悄地溜出去: sliout逃出敌人的魔掌: escape from the clutches of the enemy假阵地: decoy position; dummy position炮阵地: artillery position