Suitable for home , teaching or professionals uses . product available include foundation , blush - on , two way cake , concealer , lip stick and eyeshadows 适合家庭教学或专业使用,有胭脂乾湿两用粉湿粉膏遮瑕膏唇彩唇膏眼影等。
Wet powder coating technology use in pure titanium dome material , reducing unwanted out - of - bandwidth harmonics and acoustic distortion , achieving extremely linear frequency response and extended performance bandwidth 领先世界的纯钛球顶高音材料辅以湿粉喷涂技术,使线性频响与波宽进一步提升。
Pieras is a famous brand in japan . it has almost 100 product lines including eyeshadow , lip gloss , foundation , two way cake , mascara , nail polish , etc . it is an extremely popular brand among young girls and office ladies in japan due to the high quality - reasonable price , features and in - style colors 日本pieras化妆品约有百种款式,包括眼影唇彩粉底液两用乾湿粉饼睫毛液指甲油等,在日本甚受少女及ol欢迎,品质优良,颜色鲜艳又新颖,最重要是它的价钱非常相宜,轻易便能夺得女孩子的欢心!