游离: dissociate; drift away气臌: distention of the abdomen ca ...游离气: free gas; freegas腹腔游离气: peritoneal cavity free air游离气产量: free-gas production游离气带: free gas bank游离气顶: free gas cap; free-gas cap; separate gas cap游离气顶驱: free-gas cadrive游离气驱动: free gas drive; free-gas drive游离气体: free gas游离气体流: dissociated gas flow游离气体征: sign of free gas游离气突破: free-gas breakthrough游离气压计: ionization gauge次生游离气顶: secondary free-gas cap游离气驱油藏: free gas drive pool; free-gas drive pool原生游离气顶: original free-gas cap原始游离气顶: original free-gas cap膈下游离气体: subdiaphragmatic free air游离气体风速计: ionized-gas anemometer原始游离气饱和度: initial free-gas saturation柱中游离气体空间: free gas space in column气臌: [中医] distention of the abdomen caused by accumulation of gas due to dysfunction of the spleen or to emotional factors; wind-dropsy假气臌: false tympanites; pseudotympanites; pseudotympany气鼓,气臌: tympanites due to stagnation of vital energy