游戏: recreation; game的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...目的: purpose; aim; goal; objectiv ...游戏的: giocoso相反的目的, 不一致的目的, 不一致问答游戏: cross-purpose游戏的游戏: the game of games游戏的人: homo ludens (book); player游戏的终点: the end of the game这个游戏的: npc共享的目的: shared senseof purpose沟通的目的: communication objectives汇款的目的: purpose of remittance活着的目的: br /a sense of purpose教育的目的: the aims of education; the purpose of education恋爱的目的: yeonae-ui mokjeok; yeonaeeui mokjeok目的目录: destination directory上学的目的: the purpose of school生活的目的: ones goal in life为了……的目的: for purpose of我们的目的: our goal (aim, purpose)相反的目的: cross-purpose项目的目标: goals of cooperation刑罚的目的: end of the punishment行进的目的: parade's end学习的目的: goal-cognition theory of learning