- biyo
- 温泉: hot spring; thermal spring; ...
- 井: well
- 井: Ⅰ名词1.(从地面往下凿成的能取水的深洞) well 打井 sink [drill] a well; 她投井自尽。 she drowned herself in a well.2.(形状像井的东西) sth. in the shape of a well 风井 air shaft; 矿井 pit; mine; 排水井 pumping shaft; 油井 oil well3.(乡里或人口聚居的地方) home village or town 背井离乡 leave one's native place; 市井 town; marketplace4.(二十八宿之一) jing, one of the lunar mansions5.(姓氏) a surname 井宗 jing zongⅡ形容词(整齐) neat; orderly
- 温泉: hot spring; thermal spring; therma; therm; well◇温泉城市 hot-spring city; 温泉疗养地 wabering place; 温泉浴场 hot spring resort; 温泉植物 thermophytes
- n井: n well