- thermoelectric coupling
- 温差: difference in temperature; r ...
- 耦合: coupling; interconnection; c ...
- 电力滑差耦合: electric slicoupling
- 温差: [物理学] difference in temperature; range of temperature 这里白天和夜晚的温差很大。 the temperature here varies greatly between day and night
- 耦合: [物理学] coupling; interconnection; catena; linkage; linking 机械耦合 mechanical coupling; 耦合摆 coupled pendulum; 耦合电路 coupling circuit; coupled circuit ;耦合度 degree of coupling; coupling factor; 耦合器 [电磁] coupler; 耦合系数 coefficient of coupling; [电子学] index of coupling; coupling factor; 耦合线圈 coupling coil; coupling inductor; pickup coil