Analyzing of spinodal decomposition and its microstructure in hot - dipped aluminum steel 钢表面热浸渗铝层组织中的调幅分解及其分析
Summary of coating formation mechanism and microstructure during hot dip aluminizing on steel 热浸镀铝钢渗铝层的微观组织及其形成机理研究现状
The surface elemental analysis shows that al / o atomic ratio change from about 2 / 3 of not wetted part to about 1 / 1 of wetted part . the damage of coating surface seems to be related to the interaction of outside layer with liquid pb - 17li and thermal stress during heating sample 未浸润表面的ai / o原子比约为2 / 3 ,浸润表面约为1 / 1 ,表明液态铅锂合金对渗铝层表面的al2o3薄层造成了损伤。