His over - taut skin seeped and cracked whenever he exerted himself 每当他用劲的时候,紧绷的皮肤就会开始渗血然后开裂。
It is a few ooze blood commonly more than , can count a hour to reach several weeks continuously , see more at hypodermic , mucous membrane , oral cavity ( after be like gingival , words or moving a tooth , bleed more than ) , nasal cavity , skin and muscle haemorrhage are most 一般为少量渗血不止,可持续数小时至数周,多见于皮下、粘膜,口腔(如齿龈、唇舌或拨牙后流血不止) 、鼻腔、皮肤及肌肉出血最多。
" the last attack i had , " said he , " lasted but half an hour , and after it i was hungry , and got up without help ; now i can move neither my right arm nor leg , and my head seems uncomfortable , which shows that there has been a suffusion of blood on the brain “上一次发作的时候只有半个钟头,发作完以后,我除了觉得很饥饿以外,并没有什么别的感觉,我可以不用人扶就能自己起床。可现在我的右手右脚都不能动了,我的脑袋发涨,这说明我的脑血管在渗血。