渗: ooze; seep成: accomplish; succeed脉: affectionately; amorously; l ...复成脉: lode火成脉: eruptive vein内成脉: endogenous vein外成脉: exogenous vein成脉矿物: lode mineral细复成脉: stringer lode浅成脉状矿床: shallow vein zone deposit深成脉状矿床: hypogene vein deposit渗出: ooze; [地] exudation; effusion; sudation; cataclysm 汗从皮肤上的毛孔中渗出。 sweat exudes through the pores in the skin.; 渗出物 effusion; exudate; 渗出液 percolate; soakage; [医学] ooze渗层深度: depth of penetration渗出,流出,流露: exude渗冰青蜂侠: green hornet渗出,慢慢流出(由“出汗”引申出来): exude渗斑: efforescence渗出,泄漏: oozing渗(透)萃(醛(作用): diacolation渗出,泻漏;色料扩散: bleed渗: 动词(液体慢慢地透过或漏出) ooze; seep 泉水从岩石中渗出。 the spring oozes out of a rock. 水渗入沙中。 water seeps through sand. 血仍然从伤口渗出。 blood was still oozing from the wound