- vmfis
- 渔民: fisherman; piscatory; fisher ...
- 男: man; male
- 渔民(男)(死亡): vmfis_d
- 渔民: fisherman; piscatory; fisherfolk
- 男: 名词1.(男性) man; male 男病房 men's ward; 男护士 male nurse; 男学生 boy student; 男佣人 manservant; 男主人公 hero2.(儿子) son; boy 长男 one's eldest son; 没男没女 has neither sons nor daughters; 生男育女 give birth to children; have children; 生有一男二女 have a son and two daughters3.(封建五等爵位的第五等) baron4.(姓氏) a surname 男荣 nan rong