

发音:   用"渔业学"造句




        渔业:    fishery industry; fishery; f ...
        :    study; learn
        渔业学系:    deptof fisheryy
        美国渔业学会:    american fisheries society
        吉隆滩胜利渔业学校:    victoria de giron escuela de mar; victory of giron beach fishing school
        安德烈斯冈萨雷斯利内斯高等渔业学校:    andres gonzalez lines high ranking fishery school; andres gonzalez lines high-ranking fishery school
        安德烈斯冈萨雷斯利内斯渔业学院:    escuela superior de pesca andres gonzalez lines
        渔业:    fishery industry; fishery; fishing 国内渔业 domestic fishery; 海洋渔业 offshore fishery; ocean fishery; 渔业保护 fishery protection; 渔业保险 fishery insurance; 渔业产量 fishery production; 渔业调查 fishery survey; 渔业法 fishery law; 渔业法规 fishery legislation; 渔业管理 fishery management; 渔业基地 fishing base; 渔业计划 fishery plan; 渔业监督船 fishery inspection boat; 渔业经济学 fishing industry economics; 渔业潜力 fishery potential; 渔业情报 fishery intelligence; 渔业权 fishery right; 渔业人口 fishing population; 渔业生产总值 gross value of fishery output; 渔业实习船 fishery training boat; 渔业条例 fishery regulation; 渔业条约 fishery treaty; 渔业通讯 fishery communication; 渔业限额 fishery quota; 渔业协定 fishery agreement; 渔业许可证 fishery licence; 渔业巡逻艇 fishing patrol boat; 渔业研究 fishery study; 渔业中心 fishery centre; fishing centre; 渔业专管水域 fishery jurisdictional waters; 渔业资源 fishery resources; 渔业资源保护区 fishery conservation zone; 渔业组织 fishery organization
        林业学:    forestry
        农业学:    agriculture
        企业学:    entrepreneurship
        商业学:    ba (hons) business studies; science of business; science of commerce
        书业学:    study of bookseller
        鱼业学:    fishery
        钓渔业:    angling fishery
        渔业,渔场:    fishery
        渔业报:    fiskeribladet; giornale della pesca il; il giornale della pesca
        渔业部:    department of fisheries
        渔业的:    piscatorial
        渔业法:    fishery law
        渔业坏:    aquaculture equipment
        渔业区:    fishing zone
        渔业权:    fishery right; fishing right
        渔业司:    fisheries department
        渔业站:    fishery station



  1. "渔业协会国际联盟"英文
  2. "渔业新闻"英文
  3. "渔业许可证"英文
  4. "渔业许可证, 渔业许可"英文
  5. "渔业畜牧业林业和家畜生产部长"英文
  6. "渔业学系"英文
  7. "渔业巡护船"英文
  8. "渔业巡逻艇"英文
  9. "渔业巡视船"英文
  10. "渔业训练船"英文


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