Based on the method of least squarest the datasheets and charts which were used in designing involute worm gearing were formulated , then designed the predigested computer aided design program 摘要运用最小二乘法对渐开线蜗杆传动设计计算的有关数表和线图进行了公式化处理,进而研制了这种传动的简化计算机辅助设计程序。
The involute cylinder worm gear is one of the ordinary cylinder worm gears . because of the specificity of the machine tool for this worm gear , its machine tool is not extensively developed in our country . the deep research on the involute worm gear is lack in our country 渐开线圆柱蜗杆是普通圆柱蜗杆中的其中一种,但由于加工这种蜗杆的机床的专用性太强,我国没有广泛发展这种机床,因此我国对渐开线蜗杆的研究还不够深入。
After considering the coupling of the mounting errors and elastic deformation , the meshing influences of the error of the center distance , the setting parametric error in the axial direction , and the intersect angle between the two axes on transmission performance are investigated . 4 考虑到安装误差和载荷作用下的弹性变形等非共轭因素耦合作用,分析了渐开线蜗杆传动在安装时存在中心距误差,轴间相对位置误差,轴间相对夹角误差对其承载啮合的影响; 4