Colorx is a one - step cleaner wax with extraordinary cleaning power that restores clarity to your clear coat without using harmful abrasives 颜色清除剂是清洁车漆的第一步,没有使用有害的研磨剂,就可恢复你的车漆的颜色。
C - ptio could slightly enhance the fluorescent intensity of dcf stimulated by aba , while exogenous snp could not increase dcf fluorescence in guard cells No的专一清除剂c - ptio对aba诱导的dcf荧光略有促进作用,但外源snp不能诱导胞内dcf荧光的增加。
Shallow swirls can be removed using light swirl removers such as scratchx or # 9 swirl remover 2 . 0 both of these products will safely remove light swirls and scratches from your finish without using harsh chemicals or sharp abrasives 使用轻度刮痕清除剂可以去除浅的刮痕,像车身划痕纲纹清除剂或# 9刮痕清除剂2 . 0 ,都可以安全去除刮伤,不要使用刺激性的或强研磨性的产品。
The best way to remove even fine scratches and swirls is to use a meguiar ' s paint cleaner like scratchx , deep crystal paint cleaner , meguiar ' s body scrub , or medallion premium paint cleaner to actually level the finish and thus remove the scratch 最好的去除办法是使用美光的漆面清洁剂,像车身划痕纲纹清除剂、深层水晶漆面清洁剂、零部件清洗剂或者漆面清洁剂,可以实时的去除划痕。