

发音:   用"清热的"造句
  • heat clearing
  • 清热:    clearing heat
  • :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
  • 清热:    clearing heat◇清热安胎 clearing heat and preventing abortion; 清热除烦 clearing heat and relieving fidgetness; 清热法 [中医] antipyretic method (using medicines of a cold nature to treat acute febrile diseases); 清热化湿 clearing away heat and eliminating dampeness; 清热化痰 clearing heat and eliminating phlegm; 清热解毒 clearing heat and detoxicating; 清热开窍 removing heat from the heart to restore to consciousness; 清热利尿 reducing fever and causing diuresis; 清热利湿 clearing heat and promoting diuresis; 清热凉血 clearing heat and cooling blood; 清热平喘 clearing heat and relieving dyspnea; 清热祛湿 clearing heat and expelling damp; 清热祛暑 clearing summer heat; 清热生津 clearing heat and promoting fluid; 清热退蒸 clearing deficient heat; 清热泻火药 heat-clearing and fire-clearing drug; 清热宣肺 clearing heat and freeing lung; 清热养阴 clearing heat and nourishing yin; 清热药 antipyretic; 清热燥湿 heat-clearing and damp-drying drug; 清热止呕 clearing heat and stopping vomiting
  • 热的:    ardent; caloric; calorific effect; caloritic; febriie; fervent; fervid; heated; heiss adj; hotter; hottest; molten; thermal; thermic
  • 清热法:    cooling heat; heat-clearing method


  1. Qing dynasty of the seed of boat - fruited sterculia is hot , rush with the wen buxiang of medlar , eat together without advantage , have disadvantage only


        清热:    clearing heat
        :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
        清热:    clearing heat◇清热安胎 clearing heat and preventing abortion; 清热除烦 clearing heat and relieving fidgetness; 清热法 [中医] antipyretic method (using medicines of a cold nature to treat acute febrile diseases); 清热化湿 clearing away heat and eliminating dampeness; 清热化痰 clearing heat and eliminating phlegm; 清热解毒 clearing heat and detoxicating; 清热开窍 removing heat from the heart to restore to consciousness; 清热利尿 reducing fever and causing diuresis; 清热利湿 clearing heat and promoting diuresis; 清热凉血 clearing heat and cooling blood; 清热平喘 clearing heat and relieving dyspnea; 清热祛湿 clearing heat and expelling damp; 清热祛暑 clearing summer heat; 清热生津 clearing heat and promoting fluid; 清热退蒸 clearing deficient heat; 清热泻火药 heat-clearing and fire-clearing drug; 清热宣肺 clearing heat and freeing lung; 清热养阴 clearing heat and nourishing yin; 清热药 antipyretic; 清热燥湿 heat-clearing and damp-drying drug; 清热止呕 clearing heat and stopping vomiting
        热的:    ardent; caloric; calorific effect; caloritic; febriie; fervent; fervid; heated; heiss adj; hotter; hottest; molten; thermal; thermic
        清热法:    cooling heat; heat-clearing method
        清热剂:    heat-clearing prescription
        清热药:    antifebrile agents; heat reliever; heat-clearing drug; medicines in clearing up fever
        清热利湿,清热化湿:    eliminating dampness by cooling
        传热的;透热的:    diathermanous
        导热的;透热的:    diathermal
        放热的;发热的:    exothermic
        放热的;生热的:    exothermal
        抗热的;耐热的:    heat-proof
        耐热的,隔热的:    heat proof
        晒热的;烘热的:    torrid
        生热的,产热的:    calorifacient
        嗜热的,耐热的:    thermophilic
        透热的;传热的:    diathermic
        吸热的, 收热的:    endothermic
        吸热的,收热的:    endothermal
        疮疡清热法:    cooling therapy for ulcer
        甘寒清热:    clearing heat with sweet and cold drugs; sweet and cold herbs eliminating heat
        解肌清热:    expelling pathogenic factors from muscles for clearing heat
        苦寒清热:    dissipate heat with bitter and cold
        清热安胎:    clearing heat and preventing abortion


  1. "清热"英文
  2. "清热安胎"英文
  3. "清热除烦"英文
  4. "清热除蒸"英文
  5. "清热导滞"英文
  6. "清热法"英文
  7. "清热方剂"英文
  8. "清热攻下"英文
  9. "清热化湿"英文
  10. "清热化湿药"英文


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