- slack season
- 清淡: light; weak; delicate; mild
- 季: season
- 淡季: slack season; dull season; off season 圣诞节后的商业淡季 the quiet business season after christmas; 在淡季 during the off season; 争取做到蔬菜淡季不淡, 旺季不烂 strive for an ample supply of vegetables in the off seasons and avoid waste in the peak periods
- 清淡: 1.(不浓烈) light; weak; delicate; mild 清淡的花香 the delicate fragrance of flowers; 清淡饮料 lap; 清淡饮食 bland diet; 清淡的蓝色 a very delicate shade of blue; 一杯清淡的绿茶 a cup of weak green tea; 味道调得清淡的菜 a lightly seasoned dish2.(不油腻) not greasy or strongly flavoured; light 清淡可口的食物 delicate food; 医生建议吃清淡的食物。 the doctor advised a light diet.3.(萧条) dull; slack 清淡的市场 an easy market; 清淡季 slack season; 生意清淡。 business is slack
- 淡季的: off peak; off season; off-season