清晰: distinct响亮: loud and clear; resounding; ...地: the earth响亮地: loudly; ringingly清晰而明了: clear and distinct响亮清晰的: fivesquare清晰而连贯的叙述: a clear and consecutive narrative清晰而朴实的语言: v.clearandunadornedlanguage(缩写为f)强,有力地,响亮地: forte响亮地讲;直截了当地讲;为…说好话: talk up响亮: loud and clear; resounding; resonant; sonorous; vibrant 响亮的回答 a loud and clear reply; an unequivocal reply; 一记响亮的耳光 a heavy slap in the face; a smart box on the ear; 响亮的男中音 a vibrant baritone voice; 他人走远了, 但他响亮的声音仍在我耳际回荡。 his resounding voice continued to resound in my ears long after he was out of sight发亮地: lustrously光亮地: agleam; beamingly; brilliantly明亮地: brightly; transparently漂亮地: footstep; gallantly; handsomely; nicely; smartly; stylishly照亮地: illuminatingly嘹亮地: sonore; sonoro响亮, 响亮程度: sonority清晰: limpid; vivid; distinct; clear 口齿清晰 a clear ut-utterance; 发音清晰 a distinct pronunciation; 条理清晰的陈述 a clear statement; 字迹清晰 write in a clear hand; 清晰的头脑 a lucid mind; 清晰可辨 clear and distinguishable; 清晰而明了 clear and distinct; 清晰的散文体 a limpid prose style; 清晰的画像 a vivid portrait变响亮: louden响亮的: canorous; clangorous; clarion; resounding; ringing; sonorous钟声为谁而响: for whom the bell tolls唱得响亮: karaoke耳光响亮: er guang xiang liang极响亮的: fortissimo