

发音:   "清净无为"的汉语解释   用"清净无为"造句
  • discard all desires and worries from one's mind
  • 清净:    peace and quiet
  • 无为:    letting things take their ow ...
  • 无为:    letting things take their own course (a taoist concept of human conduct); inaction; inactivity
  • 清净:    peace and quiet 图清净, 怕麻烦 seek peace and quiet and shirk taking any trouble
  • 乾净无杂音:    clean


  1. Do what is right and be content . keep the mind pure and undefiled . remain calm and serene always


        清净:    peace and quiet
        无为:    letting things take their ow ...
        无为:    letting things take their own course (a taoist concept of human conduct); inaction; inactivity
        清净:    peace and quiet 图清净, 怕麻烦 seek peace and quiet and shirk taking any trouble
        乾净无杂音:    clean
        顾无为:    wuwei gu
        康无为:    harold kahn
        无为 (道家):    wu wei
        无为的:    donothing; inactive
        无为法:    asamkha-ta; asamskrta-dharmah; inactivity approach
        无为界:    asavkhata dhatu
        无为县:    wuwei county
        无为者:    do-nothing
        变清净:    sweeten
        清净的:    blessed; detergent; holy; kosher; snowy
        清净度:    cleanness
        清净机:    air cleaner; bra er; branner
        清净剂:    abstergent; detergent agent
        清净器:    defecator
        清净心:    lucid mind
        心清净:    citta-parisuddhi
        非择灭无为:    apratisamkya-nirodha
        碌碌无为:    though seemingly always on the run, he accomplishes nothing.; a miserable person with no accomplishment of any kind to his credit; (with his low intelligence) he could not possibly have accomplished anything
        无为而为:    ziyue
        无为而治:    govern by doing nothing that goes against nature


        清净无为什么意思:qīng jìng wú wéi 【解释】道家语。指一切听其自然,人力不必强为。 【出处】明·冯梦龙《警世通言·赵太祖千里送京娘》:“出家人清净无为,红尘不染。” 【拼音码】qjww 【用法】联合式;作谓语、宾语;含贬义 【英文】quiet and inaction


  1. "清净器"英文
  2. "清净区(洁净区)洁净区"英文
  3. "清净设备"英文
  4. "清净爽肤水"英文
  5. "清净添加剂"英文
  6. "清净洗涤工段"英文
  7. "清净效率"英文
  8. "清净心"英文
  9. "清净栽培"英文
  10. "清净之心"英文


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