The mixed contents are aerated for 2-3 days . 将这混合液曝气2-3天。
She was to drink some of this infamous mixture . 她将喝这种难喝的混合液。
An ordinary fluorescent lamp positioned close to the reaction mixture suffices as a source of uv light . 将普通的荧光灯置于反应混合液近旁,即足以作为紫外光光源。
These cocktails are either made from reagents or purchased in concentrated form and diluted with toluene . 这些混合液或是由试剂配制的或是买来的用甲苯稀释的浓缩剂。
Later, a more stable aqueous suspension was obtained by using a mixture of bentonite powder in the following formula . 后来按下列公式应用一种美粘土粉做成的混合液,才获得一种比较稳定的水混悬液。