别把当日冲销与投资混为一谈: don't confuse day trading with investing it's speculating把…混为一体: blend vt混合;把…混为一体: blend vt. (cause to) mix为一: tameichi谈一谈: have a talk不值得一谈: nothing to speak of不值一谈: not worth mentioning; not worthwhile to talk about; nothing to speak of跟你谈一谈: have a talk with you同他谈一谈: talk with him一谈到;就…而论: when it comes to和平统一谈判: negotiations and peaceful reunifications合为一: unify王为一: wang weiyi; weiyi wang为一个: api为一郎: tameichiro进行和平统一谈判: hold negotiations on peaceful reunification他要同市长谈一谈: he wishes to talk to the mayor同她谈一谈那件事: speak to her about the matter我能跟你谈一谈吗: can i have a word with you成为一个人: becoming a person成为一体: become one flesh; in one成为一体, 结合: become one合而为一: be made one; merge into a single whole; unite many into one; two combined into one; all in one混纬疵: mixed filling混土器: clay mill; soil mixer混纬缎: double cassinet
混为一谈的法语:confondre une chose avec une autre;réunir des choses ensemble混为一谈的日语:〈成〉いっしょくたにする.同列に論じる. 思想问题和政治问题不可混为一谈/思想問題と政治問題を同列に扱ってはならない.混为一谈的韩语:【성어】 동일시하다. 똑같이 취급하다. =[并为一谈]混为一谈的俄语:[hùn wéi yītán] обр. сваливать в одну кучу; стричь под одну гребёнку混为一谈什么意思:hùn wéi yī tán 【解释】把不同的事物混在一起,当作同样的事物谈论。 【出处】唐·韩愈《平淮西碑》:“万口和附,并为一谈。” 【示例】可见“言志”跟“缘情”到底两样,是不能~的。(朱自清《诗言志辩·诗言志(三)》) 【拼音码】hwyt 【灯谜面】异口相声 【用法】动宾式;作谓语、宾语;用于否定句 【英文】mistaken for