深湛: profound and thorough的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...著作: work; book; writings; opus深湛的论述: profound and brilliant exposition不朽的著作: monument恩格斯的著作: engels' works未完成的著作: unfinished book莎士比亚的著作: the works of shakespeare网络时代的著作权: internetlawatch vol1,04::c. in network age未编页码的著作: unpaged works有关电子学的著作: writings on electronics有关这问题的著作: work on this subject在列举的著作中: opere citato op. cit. in the work cited深湛: profound and thorough 功夫深湛 consummate skill; 深湛的论述 profound and brilliant exposition; 深湛的著作 a profound work喀喇汗王朝时代的著作: kara-hanlilar devrinde yazilan eserler有人在别人的著作中找到: you'll find it in the words of others惠特克写的质点和刚体力学方面的著作: a.e.h. love他的著作已被译成几种文字: his writings had been translated into various languages. write著作: 1.(作品) work; book; writings; opus 他的著作已被译成几种文字。 his writings had been translated into various languages.2.(写作) write 他一生著作甚多。 he wrote many books during his lifetime.; he was a prolific author精湛的: skillfully ad功夫深湛: consummate skill精湛的技巧: superb technique今后的著落: future技艺精湛的人: past master演艺精湛的人: virtuoso