

发音:   用"深化教育体制改革"造句
  • deepen the reform of the education system
  • deepen the reform of the educational system


  1. This paper discusses the effects of fairness in the reform on educational system and advances relevant suggestions on how to deepen the reform as well as optimize the systematic construction of a fair education
  2. This paper takes the conclusion ? human capital can help or promote economy increase as a basic topic . on the basis of t . w . schultz and gray becker ' s human capital theory , in the light of shenyang ' s human resources situation , we further study the problems during the transmission from human resources to human capital in shenyang . at the same time , we analyze and discuss and put forward proposals and strategies : promote the problems of changing the human resources into human capital ; deepen the reform of the system of education and enlarge the decision making power of school running ; according to the capital distribution and compensation principle , carry out the idea of higher education capital compensation system reform ; strengthen the investment of enterprise " human capital ; reform the traditional country and countryside census register isolation system , develop and improve human flow medium ; establish a reasonable , scientific inspiration and restriction mechanism ; enlarge the government ' s investment and management of public hygiene service
  3. To promote economy transformation and intellectual economy development in china , we must deepen title system reform and establish man - power capital title system , deepen distribution system reform and build a system of distributing according knowledge based on man - power capital title , deepen market economy system reform and establish and better a market system of intellectual resources allocation , deepen science and technology system reform and establish and perfect a state innovation system , deepen education system reform and build a modern education system beneficial to intellectual economy growth , and change government function to create macro - policy and system environment for the economy development


        深化:    deepen
        教育体制改革:    structural reform of educati ...
        教育体制改革:    educational system reform; reform of educational system
        深化体制改革:    deepen the reform of the system
        深化经济体制改革:    deepen the economic restructuring
        全球化视野下的高等教育体制改革:    higher education system reform in globalization pattern
        教育管理体制改革:    education management system reform
        教育体制:    education system
        体制改革:    structural [institutional] reform 经济体制改革 restructuring the economy; reforming the economic system; 管理体制改革 structural reform of management; 教育体制改革 structural reform of education; 体制改革委员会 commission for structural reforms
        现行教育体制:    the current education system
        财务体制改革:    reform of financial structure; reformoffinancialstructure
        财政体制改革:    financial restructuring; reform of the financial system; reformofthefinancialsystem
        管理体制改革:    reform of the management system; structural reform of management
        金融体制改革:    financial system reform; reform f.des finanzsystems; reform of monetary system; reform of the financial system; reformofmonetarysystem
        经济体制改革:    economic reform; economic restructuring; economic system reform; economical structure reform; reform of economic system; reform of the economic system; reformoftheeconomicsystem; the reforms in economic
        科技体制改革:    reform f.des verwaltungssystems für wissenschaft und technik /strukturreform f. in wissenschaft und technik; reform of scientific and technological system
        科研体制改革:    reform of scientific research system
        流通体制改革:    reform of the distribution system
        深入体制改革:    deepen the structural reform
        司法体制改革:    judicial restructuring; reform of the judicial system
        投资体制改革:    investment system reform
        外贸体制改革:    foreign trade system reform; reform of foreign trade system
        文化体制改革:    cultrual restructuring; cultural restructuring; reform f.des systems für die verwaltung des kulturwesens; reform of the cultural system
        医疗体制改革:    medical system reform
        邮政体制改革:    reform of the postal service system


  1. "深化改革和改善宏观调控"英文
  2. "深化改革扩大开放"英文
  3. "深化改革与促进发展"英文
  4. "深化国有企业改革"英文
  5. "深化海江业"英文
  6. "深化经济改革"英文
  7. "深化经济体制改革"英文
  8. "深化农村业改革"英文
  9. "深化企业改革"英文
  10. "深化体制改革"英文


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