

  • a hedge between keeps friendship green
  • :    thin; light
  • :    hand over; give up; deliver
  • 使:    send; tell sb. to do sth.
  • 友谊:    friendship
  • :    older; elder; senior


        :    thin; light
        :    hand over; give up; deliver
        使:    send; tell sb. to do sth.
        友谊:    friendship
        :    older; elder; senior
        :    blue or green
        君子之交淡如水:    A hedge between keeps friend ...
        君子之交淡如水:    a hedge between keeps friendship green.; friends agree best at a distance.; the friendship between gentlemen appears indifferent but is pure like water
        子之交淡如水:    the friendshibetween gentlemen is as pure as crystal; a hedge between keeps friendshigreen
        间隔使友谊长青:    a hedge between keeps friendshigreen
        君子之交谈如水:    a hedge between keeps friendshigreen
        经淡如水:    thin menorrhea
        君子之争:    fair play
        公平算帐友谊长:    even reckoning makes long friends
        万古长青的友谊:    the everlasting friendship
        君子之泽,五世而斩:    The good influence of men of virtue will not last more than five generations.
        君子之泽五世而斩:    the good influence of men of virtue will not last more than five generations
        以小人之心,度君子之腹:    measure the stature of great men by the yardstick of small men
        以小人之心度君子之腹:    measure the stature of great men by the yardstick of small men; a knave thinks of others in terms of his own desires.; gauge [guess] the heart of a gentle man with one's own mean measure; he has no idea of what the princely man aspires.; like a knave who uses his own yardstick to measure the motive of an upright man; try to estimate what's in the heart of the great with the heart of the mean
        如水:    josui; rushui
        长青:    evergreen; makbau
        祝两国人民的友谊万古长青:    may the friendship between the peoples of two countries last forever
        君子:    a man of noble character; gentleman 伪君子 hypocrite; 正人君子 a man of moral integrity; 以小人之心度君子之腹 gauge the heart of a gentleman with one's own mean measure
        沈淡如:    shen danru
        王淡如:    david wang


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  10. "淡金色"英文


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