Carcinomas often metastasize via lymphatics 癌经常通过淋巴道转移。
This appearance is typical of lymphangitic spread of lymphoma 此为典型的淋巴瘤癌性淋巴道播散。
This appearance and the unilateral distribution are typical of lymphangitic spread of carcinoma 上述表现单侧出现时是典型的癌性淋巴道播散的征象。
Biodistribution of chromic 32p phosphate colloids in mice with hepatoma lymph metastasis after intratumoral injection 磷酸铬胶体局部给药在肝癌淋巴道转移小鼠的体内分布
Prostatic adenocarcinoma is famous for metastasizing to the lungs in a " lymphangitic " pattern in which streaks of tumor appear between lung lobules and beneath the pleura in lymphatic spaces 前列腺腺癌通过淋巴道转移到肺,肺叶之间和胸膜下的淋巴管中都可见癌细胞。