Boc edwards to establish joint venture in tai . 空分液泛现象的判断与处理
A new flooding diagram for blast furna 适用于高炉条件的新液泛图
When the density of the packing material is smaller than that of the liquid , the packed bed becomes less dense and will expand before flooding 当填料密度比液体密度小时,在液泛前填料会发生松动和膨胀,通过修正填料床的孔隙度可以计算膨胀填料床的压降。
The basic regulation of the ratio which changes along with the flo v rate of liquid and gas was obtained ; besides , the experiments discovered that the real velocity of the holes at flooding point is about llm ' s under different liquid flow rate , according to this the up limit of the compound tray can be reckoned 此外,实验发现,不同喷淋密度下,复合塔板液泛时的筛孔真实气速均为11m s左右,据此,可推算出复合塔板的操作上限。