- chinese marriage with foreign nationals
- international marriage
- marriage of a chinese person with a foreign
- marriage with foreign elements
- 涉外婚姻;跨国婚姻: mixed marriage; mixedmarriage
- 涉外婚姻遭遇“七年之痒”: mixed marriages divorce on the rise
- 外婚: exogamy
- 涉外: concerning foreign affairs or foreign nationals 涉外工作人员 officials and staffs concerning foreign affairs; 涉外案件 foreign case; cases involving foreign elements; foreign-related case; 涉外婚姻 chinese marriage with foreigners; chinese-foreign marriage; 涉外经济法规 laws and regulations concerning external economic relations; 涉外经济合同法 foreign economic contract law; 涉外经济立法 laws governing business relations with foreigners; 涉外因素 foreign element; 涉外专利代理机构 foreign-related patent ageney
- 涉外部: international liaison division