

发音:   用"涉外婚姻"造句
  • chinese marriage with foreign nationals
  • international marriage
  • marriage of a chinese person with a foreign
  • marriage with foreign elements
  • 涉外婚姻;跨国婚姻:    mixed marriage; mixedmarriage
  • 涉外婚姻遭遇“七年之痒”:    mixed marriages divorce on the rise
  • 外婚:    exogamy
  • 涉外:    concerning foreign affairs or foreign nationals 涉外工作人员 officials and staffs concerning foreign affairs; 涉外案件 foreign case; cases involving foreign elements; foreign-related case; 涉外婚姻 chinese marriage with foreigners; chinese-foreign marriage; 涉外经济法规 laws and regulations concerning external economic relations; 涉外经济合同法 foreign economic contract law; 涉外经济立法 laws governing business relations with foreigners; 涉外因素 foreign element; 涉外专利代理机构 foreign-related patent ageney
  • 涉外部:    international liaison division


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. How would you describe your intercultural marriage
  2. S of shanghai is rising steadily . in 2006 , 2 , 960
  3. Note , it also gives lectures on how to make a success of cross - cultural
  4. However , the number of mixed couples getting d in 2006 also increased to 355
    然而, 2006年的涉外婚姻离婚数也增加到了355例。
  5. However , the number of mixed couples getting divorced in 2006 also increased to 355
    然而, 2006年的涉外婚姻离婚数也增加到了355例。


        涉外婚姻;跨国婚姻:    mixed marriage; mixedmarriage
        涉外婚姻遭遇“七年之痒”:    mixed marriages divorce on the rise
        外婚:    exogamy
        涉外:    concerning foreign affairs or foreign nationals 涉外工作人员 officials and staffs concerning foreign affairs; 涉外案件 foreign case; cases involving foreign elements; foreign-related case; 涉外婚姻 chinese marriage with foreigners; chinese-foreign marriage; 涉外经济法规 laws and regulations concerning external economic relations; 涉外经济合同法 foreign economic contract law; 涉外经济立法 laws governing business relations with foreigners; 涉外因素 foreign element; 涉外专利代理机构 foreign-related patent ageney
        婚姻:    marriage; matrimony 包办婚姻 arranged marriage; 合法婚姻 legal marriage; 买卖婚姻 mercenary marriage; 美满的婚姻 a happy marriage; 十分相配的婚姻 a well-assorted marriage; 他婚姻美满幸福, 是位尽职尽责的父亲, 忠实的丈夫。 he married well and happily and was a devoted father and husband.; 婚姻登记 marriage registration; 婚姻法 law of marriage; marriage law; 婚姻纠纷 matrimonial dispute; 婚姻介绍所 matchmaking service [centre; agency]; marriage introduction service; matrimonial agency; marriage bureau; 婚姻自由 freedom of marrigae; 婚姻自主权 marital autonomy
        涉外部:    international liaison division
        族外婚与族内婚:    exogamy and endogamy
        涉外案件:    case concerning foreign interests; cases involving foreign interests; casesinvolvingforeigninterests; foreign-related case
        涉外保险:    foreign insurance; foreign-related insurance; foreign-related risks; insurance concern foreign affairs
        涉外宾馆:    a hotel housing foreign/international guests
        涉外部门:    external sector
        涉外法规:    laws and regulations concerning foreign affairs
        涉外公寓:    apartment for aliens
        涉外公证:    notary concerning foreign affairs
        涉外公证科:    department of foreign-related notarization
        涉外合同:    contract with a foreign element
        涉外会计:    accounting concern foreign affairs
        涉外机构:    foreign affairs organization
        涉外经济:    foreign related bussiness; foreign-oriented / foreign-related business; foreign-related business
        涉外经济法:    economic law concern foreign affairs
        涉外律师:    lawyers specially handling foreign-related matters
        涉外企业:    foreign-related enterprise
        涉外收养:    adoption with foreign elements
        涉外税收:    foreign-related taxation; tax concern foreign affairs
        涉外会计事务所:    an accounting firm authorized to handle foreign-related accounting business
        涉外海事诉讼管辖权:    jurisdiction of maritime action involving for elements; maritime jurisdiction involving foreign elements



  1. "涉外海事诉讼程序"英文
  2. "涉外海事诉讼管辖权"英文
  3. "涉外合同"英文
  4. "涉外会计"英文
  5. "涉外会计事务所"英文
  6. "涉外婚姻;跨国婚姻"英文
  7. "涉外婚姻遭遇“七年之痒”"英文
  8. "涉外机构"英文
  9. "涉外经济"英文
  10. "涉外经济法"英文


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