This jpeg coding system is primarily intended for use in consumer electronics devices such as digital cameras 本编码器是为消费类电子产品如数码相机,数码摄像机等设备而设计的。
New devices from major consumer - electronics manufacturers , including many dvd players , support mpeg - 4 playback 主流消费类电子产品厂商的新设备(包括许多dvd播放器)都支持mpeg - 4回放。
Our major customer is local telecom equipment manufacture , smart phone , consumer customer r & d and big ems customers 主要客户为国内大型电信设别制造商,手机、消费类电子研发中心和大型电子代工厂。
By the late 90s , china had become the largest producer of consumer electronics such as tvs , dvd players and cellphones 九十年代末,中国已经成为最大的消费类电子产品制造商,如电视、 dvd以及手机。
Dconnected international limited , headquartered in hong kong , is one of the most successful online retailers 传动数码科技有限公司是一家专业分销各品牌数码相机等消费类电子产品及配件的电子商务企业。