

  • cheat the journey
  • 消磨:    wear down; fritter away
  • 旅途:    journey; trip
  • 时光:    time
  • 消磨旅途的无聊:    cheat the journey
  • 消磨时光:    beguile the time; cheat the time; fill in the time; fill up the time; fool around =kill time; pass the time; while away the time


        消磨:    wear down; fritter away
        旅途:    journey; trip
        时光:    time
        消磨旅途的无聊:    cheat the journey
        消磨时光:    beguile the time; cheat the time; fill in the time; fill up the time; fool around =kill time; pass the time; while away the time
        消磨时光, 消闲:    beguile the time; cheat the time; while away the time
        我一直坐了很久,消磨着时光。:    i've been sitting here so long wasting time
        消磨:    1.(逐渐消失) wear down; fritter away 消磨精力 fritter away one's energy; 消磨志气 sap one's will2.(度过) while away; idle away 消磨时间 kill time; pass the time; 消磨岁月 while away the time; 消磨时日 while away the time; 消磨余年 spend one's remaining years
        旅途:    journey; trip 旅途见闻 what one sees and hears during a trip; traveller's notes; 旅途随笔 sketches on a journey; traveller's notes; 踏上旅途 set forth on a journey
        又有一天的时光等我来消磨:    another day's been laid to waste
        试着给你打个消磨时光电话却又无言以对:    i try to call but i don't know what to tell you
        时光:    1.(时间,光阴)time 虚度时光pass one's time idly; 时光不早了。 it's getting late. 我以观看商店橱窗来消磨时光。i loitered away the time in looking through the shop windows.2.(时期,日子)times; years; days:想起往昔的美好时光 think of good old times 度过一段非常愉快的时光have a rattling time
        消磨, 消遣:    wile away
        消磨,磨损:    attrition
        消磨掉:    wear 1
        虚度, 消磨:    idle sth away
        以消磨:    beguile with
        估计在途时间:    estimated time enroute
        旅途的:    itinerary
        在旅途:    on going a journey
        时光艾时光:    time
        磨损;消磨(时间):    wear away
        消耗,消磨,花费:    spend
        消磨精力:    fritter away one
        消磨时间:    fill up time; idle away =kill time; kill the enemy; killtime; loiter about; snooze; time out(2002/ii); wile away the time


  1. "消磨, 消遣"英文
  2. "消磨,磨损"英文
  3. "消磨掉"英文
  4. "消磨精力"英文
  5. "消磨旅途的无聊"英文
  6. "消磨时光"英文
  7. "消磨时光, 消闲"英文
  8. "消磨时间"英文
  9. "消磨时间的"英文
  10. "消磨时间的人"英文


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