- narcopepsia
- 消化: digestion; digest
- 迟钝: dull-witted; slow
- 迟钝: slow (in thought or action); obtuse; torpescence; thickness; hebetude; dullness 反应迟钝 be slow in reacting; react slowly; 脑子迟钝 slow of understanding; 理解力迟钝 be obtuse [slow] in understanding; 自心脏病发作以来, 他的动作迟钝多了。 he has slowed down a lot since his heart attack. 你太迟钝了, 没有理解这种暗示。 you were too obtuse to take the hint
- 硫化迟延剂: cure retarder
- 演化迟滞现象: evolutionary retardation