陆: land空: leave empty or blank; empty; ...联合: unite; ally的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...海陆空联合作战: aero amphibious warfare陆空联合作战: combined air-ground operation; joint air-ground operations; land-air operations陆空联合司令部: joint army-air headquarters海陆空: tam; terre air mer; terre-air-mer陆空联合防空指挥中心: joint army-air force air defense direction center陆空联络: army air liaison陆空联络连: air-ground liaison company陆空联络组: air ground section陆空联运: tat truck-air-truck; truck-air-truck水陆空联运: transmodality海陆空的: aero amphibious; aeroamphibious海陆空军: the land sea and air forces海陆空模型: model zone海陆空三栖: triphibian海陆空搜索: air-sea-land search陆空联络布板: air ground liaison panel陆空联络军官: air-ground liaison officer陆空联络密码: air-ground liaison code; air-surface code陆空联运包裹: airlift surface parcel海陆空大逃亡: the mckenzie break; www imdb com陆空联络控制台: air-ground communication panel